System change is an approach that addresses the root causes of issues, rather than their symptoms, by transforming structures, mindsets, dynamics of power and policies that exacerbate inequality and inequity.
Fridays For Future Italia
Global movement for climate and environmental justice that recognises the Climate Emergency and demands a safe path to stay below +1.5 degrees as outlined in the 2015 Paris Agreement and the IPCC climatologists' reports.
Ultima Generazione
Italian movement, part of the A22 network, which leverages non-violent civil disobedience actions to obtain measures against ecoclimatic collapse.
Extinction Rebellion
International movement that uses nonviolent direct action and mass civil disobedience to force governments to reverse the course that is leading us towards climate and ecological disaster.
StraLi (STRAtegic LItigation) is a non-profit association thats aims at promoting the protection of rights through the tools of strategic litigation.
ReCommon is an association that fights against the abuse of power and the plundering of territories in order to create spaces of transformation in society, in Italy, Europe and the world through dissemination and investigative journalism.